Thank you for considering the adoption of a rescue cat! Before you decide to adopt a pet, please consider the time, effort and funds necessary to properly maintain an animal. Responsible pet ownership requires a commitment to provide care and companionship for life of the animal. The decision to adopt a pet is an important one. In order to ensure that you and your pet will be happy for years to come, we need to take time to determine you and your animal’s individual needs and personality traits.

The purpose of this application is to learn a little about your family and home so that our organization can make the best possible match for both you and our rescue animal. Our main concern is placing our animals in a compatible home with a family that will give them a lifetime commitment of love and proper care. This consultation process is designed to help us determine if the adoption is in the best interest of both the animal and the adopter. Please be aware that while completing this application does not bind you to adopt one of our animals, neither does it guarantee that we will place one of our animals in your home at this time. Please read and answer the questions carefully, honestly and thoroughly. The adoption process may take up to a week, give or take. If the application is denied, no appeals will be made. All decisions are final. It is the rescue’s discretion and no explanation is owed to the applicant regarding the decision. The reason(s) for denial are not required to be disclosed to the applicant.

Some animals may need some extra time and patience to adjust to yet another new home. All animals, regardless of their background and history, go through an adjustment period when they go to a new environment. There will be period of a few days, weeks or in some cases months during which your new pet’s personality is emerging and growing while you get to know one another. Cats can take a long time to be comfortable in a new environment. It is normal for animosity and jealousy towards a new cat/kitten from those already existing in the house. Please remember it is a stressful time for animals and hopefully we will be able to work with you to make this a lifetime relationship for you and your rescue cat.


• Be 21 years of age or older
• Have photo identification showing your current address
• Have the knowledge and consent of your landlord
• Be able and willing to spend the time and money necessary to provide medical treatment and proper care for a pet for the entire life of that animal

Cats will not be adopted out to a home with a child or children under 10 years old. Every person in the household must meet the cat(s)/kitten(s) you are interested in before submitting this application.

If the above qualifications are not met, you will be automatically denied.

By submitting this form, I acknowledge, agree and understand:

• All information on this form is true and correct
• I understand that any misrepresentation of fact may result in KKRR or our rescue partners refusing adoption privileges to me
• I authorize KKRR to contact the landlord if applicable
• I understand that the adoption process is handled entirely by Rescue Partners and will ONLY contact them for any adoption application status inquiries. I understand that Kitty Kisses Cat Café does not have access to any adoption status information.

Please note there is a $10 per day holding fee if the cat is not picked up within 24 hours of adoption approval.

DO NOT submit an application until you and every person in your family/household has had a chance to come in and meet the cat(s) you are interested in.
See cats here:
Plan your visit here:

I have read the above information and agree *
Why would you like a cat? *
What type of housing do you live in? *
What is the noise/activity level in your home? *
Do you Rent or Own? *
Do you or anyone in the household smoke or vape inside the home? *
Do any children 18 year of age and under reside in your home? *
Does anyone in your home have cat allergies? *
Does your home have a doggy door? *
Occupation *
Do you have pet insurance? *
Are you able to afford care for this cat for its entire life (up to 20 years)? Medical, food, litter, enrichment, etc. can cost up to $1,000 per year, $20,000 for its lifetime. *
Is this kitty a gift or surprise? *
Will this cat be allowed outdoors? *
Do you plan to have this cat declawed? *
Are you willing to work with a new cat on any issues he or she may have? *
Which of the below may be a problem for you with a new cat?